Authentic Connection Retreat

Enter the 5D World of Relationships

Mt. Shasta, CA
August 14-18, 2024

Retreat Starts In:









Let's Do This!

Taking Your Relationships Into the Next Dimension


Relationships- Especially the one within...


May seem, at times, to be tense and full of conflict, pain, and drama...
But there is a different way. 


There is a way to establish more connection than you ever thought possible. 


Regardless of whether you are single and looking for that true intimate and soul connecting relationship,


Or you have been married for years and desire to reconnect or connect on a deeper level...


Even Parents looking to improve your relationship with Your Child...


Let's Take Your Relationships Into the Next Dimension!

I'm Ready!

Discover True Intimacy

This Retreat is For: 

  • Any individuals who want to stop xerox copying old patterns and discover deep and fulfilling relationships
  • Couples wanting to strengthen their intimacy and reconnect
  • Singles wanting to call in and prepare for their next divine relationship
  • Even parents & children (over 18) who want to understand each other better


It's Time to...

  • Discover Authentic Connection & True Intimacy

  • Create soul-fulfilling 5D connections

  • Build relationships that are free of drama and struggle. 

  • Return back to your True Authentic Self. 

Interest Form

Entering the 5D World of Authentic Connection

5 Days, 4 Nights, Lasting Transformation

Discover True Intimacy 

Release the Drama

Learn how to step out of drama, conflict and pain in any or all of your relationships

Master Communication

Better communicate with your partner, family and friends by learning the language of their heart and yours. 

Open Your Heart

Lean into vulnerability.  Open up to enriching connection and deep intimacy.

Experience The 5D 

Step out of the 3D world of struggle and into the 5D world of true authentic intimacy.

Next Steps

When you choose you- you choose everyone because they get the most vibrant, passionate, and alive version of you!


Wendy Bunnell



My name is Wendy Bunnell. I am a Transformational Advocate, international best-selling author and TedX speaker.

So....what does a transformational advocate mean?

It means that I won’t be the one fixing you.

You don’t need to be fixed, your partner doesn't need to fixed, and your child doesn't need to be fixed.

You simply need to remember and see who you are and who they are. 

My only job is to place the new glasses on your frame of reference and to help you perceive things as they truly are.

Let’s shine a light on the lies and darkness that have built a fortress around you-promising you safety and solace, and resurrect the truth that is inside of you.

In this retreat- I will take you by the hand and show you how to live in a 5D reality - which is your true authentic self. The one that no longer needs struggle and strategy to survive-the one that is urging you to take a chance and discover the truth within. 

The experience towards yourself and others is priceless.  I can't wait to watch you rediscover your true authentic connection. 

Welcome home my friend...

Work With Me

Brianna Anderson

Workshop Facilitator- Human Design


I’m a Mystic, Visionary, Healer, Psychic and Intuitive messenger for the things that your heart needs to hear in order to open. Open to life, possibility, trust, and love.

I am here to show you how to alchemize your deepest soul wounds into meaning and purpose. I have the gift of bringing light into the darkest of places so that your heart can experience liberation & freedom! I am here to guide you to a more rich understanding of yourself, so that you can love fiercely and forgive the past. 

I am passionate about the information on what makes you incredibly unique in your own design.

Human Design mixed with my intuitive ability to sense what you are experiencing in real time, allows me to bring your awareness to your soul's highest truths.

Once you embody the truth of your own make-up, it is a ripple effect on the relationship you have with your partner, your family, your community, your work, your
purpose, and then the world. It starts here with you.

I will guide you through knowledge that validates your desire to be BOLDLY, and COURAGEOUSLY, YOU.

Welcome to the journey of authenticity.

Let's Do This!

What We'll Be Doing Together


Not only will you Illuminate Your Mind, but you will learn through Embodiment & Integration Tools such as...

  • 5D Reality Concepts & opening up the connection to all 
  • Tantra Practices & Connection Tools
  • Human Design & Gene Keys- Learn to swim with the current and not against it using your own unique blueprint!
  • Sound Healing
  • Energy Healing you can learn and use anytime, anywhere
  • Breath Work
  • Somatic Movement
  • Play, Laughter, and Fun!
I Want In!

Others'  Experience

"Wendy has touched every facet of my life with her wisdom, support, and healing, but the transformation she has brought to my inner being, especially in the realm of relationships, is nothing short of miraculous. 

She gave me the greatest gift of guiding me to repair my relationship with myself, that has opened the door for me to experience the most beautiful, pure, and unconditional love in all my relationships—from romantic to family, and most importantly, with myself, each and every day.

Wendy showed me that when we love ourselves and come together with one another with the intention of growth and TRUE unconditional love – free of the stories of our past and of society - the relationship evolves into something far greater than mere gratification. It becomes a journey of mutual evolution, allowing both individuals to expand beyond what they could achieve alone. Wendy showed me that not only can a relationship be a sacred refuge, a place of healing, authenticity, and true joy – but that we are SO worthy and SO capable of creating one, with ourselves and with those we love."

-McKenzie Johnson


I gifted myself Wendy’s Bali 2024 Retreat for my 40th Birthday and although I knew it would be an amazing trip, the life changing experience I had has completely changed my relationship with myself because of the knowledge and tools she taught us. The healing experience was so good for my soul after a divorce and a really rough time in my life. It has changed the way I interact with the world around me and trickled into all of my relationships by adjusting the lense that I view people with. The permission I received to be 100% authentically me has led me to lead a much more intuitive life. I am still integrating everything I learned and can’t wait to observe over time the changes that take place. Wendy is a true gift to this world. Her nurturing energy made me feel so safe and seen. I am so incredibly grateful I took the leap and had the opportunity to experience her magic. 

-Meghan Freeman

What's Included:

Your Accomodations

Shasta Magic Retreat & Anna House Retreat


These surreal sanctuaries have both been arranged with rejuvenation of body & spirit as well as communal gathering in mind.  Both are located just north of Mt. Shasta, 2 minutes away from one another, in the quiet community of Lake Shastina.   The intention and heart centered design that went into their curation is palpable.

Our main retreat space will be at the peaceful location of Anna Home Retreat on 11 acres with meditative spaces, labyrinths, medicine walks, majestic sunrise & sunset views, cosmic stargazing, hummingbirds, wildlife, and even a hot tub (; 

Additional accommodations will be offered at Shasta Magic Retreat, right down the road, with its incredible view of the mountain that will leave you in awe as clouds and light shift throughout the day.

Your Food

Fresh, Vibrant, & Healthy Nourishment

You will enjoy fresh, vibrant, and healthy food served three times a day, along with nourishing snacks. These meals will support your healing journey and leave you feeling rejuvenated and energized. Each bite is a step towards greater health and harmony, helping you relax and be present in the moment. Let's honor ourselves with food that nourishes both body and soul.

"The Work"

Learning, Embodiment, & Integration

You will Not Simply Learn Concepts at this Retreat.  We'll start with the Illuminated Mind so you can become aware of what is true and possible. Then, we'll continue by awakening your heart and “feeling” the concepts integrate past the mind and into the body. Last, we integrate it into realizing it in our soul and becoming the information.

It’s a lot like riding a bike. 

I can tell you all day long how to ride a bike. Proper foot placement, bike safety, how to gaze with your eyes to keep balance etc. etc. But until you get on the bike and ride down the street with the wind blowing through your hair, and the sun shining on your back- you won’t know how it “feels” to be on a bike.  We will learn to embody and become the Information so it becomes your new program, new vibration, and new norm to call in abundance into your life.

"The Fun"

Excursions Galore

Opportunities to see and experience Castle Lake, McCloud & Faery Falls, as well as an incredibly special Shamanic Tour of Mount Shasta outlined below. 


Join Shasta Spiritual Tours an activation tour of some of the most sacred sites in the area, including Pleiadian Stargates, Venusian Portals, Vortex of the New Earth, and Lemurian energy.  These activation tours are designed to help you tap into the healing activating energy of the mountain, guided by the Mt Shasta Guide. Connect with your higher self amidst the serene beauty. Whether you're a spiritual seeker or simply looking for a unique and transformative experience, Mt Shasta Spiritual Tours has something for everyone.


Extended Support

16-Weeks of Post-Retreat Mentoring 


This is one of the key pieces that makes retreating with me stand out.  Enjoy 16 weeks of group mentoring post-retreat to help you apply and integrate the 5D tools you've learned into your everyday "real life" in the 3D World.  Enjoy Direct Access to me via Voxer and Marco Polo for continued communication, guidance, and support throughout the whole process.  Lastly, get access to innovative Emotional Intelligence Technology tools.  These will help you to better understand your emotions through voice analysis, fostering deeper emotional intelligence for both radical awareness and attunement. 

Interest Form

Learn the art of connection and intimacy.... 



Connection with ourselves, others and the Divine,,,,

True and Pure Intimacy….

“In to me I see”

It’s not simply about sex- although that can and should be a rich part of a relationship with your partner. 

It’s not simply your marriage either, although this one can transform every other relationship.

It’s all of your relationships.

Friends, family, your children.

Including the most important...the one with yourself. 

I'm Ready!

Payment Increases As Time Goes on...


Early Bird

Save $555

Prior to June 1

  • Gorgeous Retreat Home Accomodations
  • 3 Daily Meals & Snacks
  • Workshops, Learning, & Integration Exercises
  • 16 Weeks of Extended Support
  • Emotional Intelligence Technology
  • So much more!
Next Steps!


+ $555

After June 1

  • Gorgeous Retreat Home Accomodations
  • 3 Daily Meals & Snacks
  • Workshops, Learning, & Integration Exercises
  • 16 Weeks of Extended Support
  • Emotional Intelligence Technology
  • So much more!
Next Steps!


Illuminate Your Essence Retreats Just Keep on Giving...

Extended Support

Enjoy 16 weeks of group mentoring post-retreat to help you apply and integrate the 5D tools you've learned in your everyday "real life" in the 3D World.

Innovative Tools

Gain access to Emotional Intelligence Technology to analyze and understand your emotions through voice analysis, fostering deeper emotional intelligence for radical awareness and attunement. 

Direct Access 

Stay connected with me throughout the whole process.  Utilize both Voxer and Marco Polo for continued communication, guidance, and support.  

Interest Form

Are you ready to discover what authentic connection means for you?


I am taking 14 individuals that are ready to embark on a spiritual journey like never before.

One that will connect you back to true authentic connection and love. 


1.) Click Below

 If your heart is beating fast and you are connecting to this opportunity, I invite you to follow the next steps.

2.) Watch the Short Video

Quick video to get you as much information as possible on the Authentic Connection Retreat

3.) Schedule a Call

15-minute discussion where I'll help you tune into your inner authority & heart to find out if this is a match. 

Next Steps!

Retreat Starts In:









Frequently Asked Questions