

Alone for the first time....

Feb 02, 2025
Walking alone for a short time…..
So many people have asked me for an update.
And I have tried multiple times to sit down and write it.
But  where do I even start?
How do I even share a fraction of what has happened in my life- the thousands of lessons, awareness and experiences I have had in the span of only two weeks.
When I looked into the mirror the day I left my home, I said goodbye to the girl in the mirror knowing that she would not be returning the same way she left.
That she would be integrated into my experience, but that a more expansive woman would be taking her place- one that was closer to the true identity within.
And it didn’t take long for that “knowing” to start transpiring into real life.
As I got on the first flight from Las Vegas to San Francisco- something shifted inside of me. It felt like my heart started to finally beat for the first time. An energy spread throughout my whole body. I don’t know where I went, but it certainly wasn’t there on the airplane.
Maybe it was an upgrade. Maybe it was a new vibration. Maybe it was something else entirely.
All I know is that when I walked off the plane I wasn’t the same person as I was walking onto the plane.
I spent the next few hours integrating and seeing miracles happen in real time.
A flight that needed to be changed for my visa to be valid was changed in less than 20 minutes by my travel agent. A record at his office because my friend Brianna stood in her power and wouldn’t settle for anything else. I walked onto my second flight and realized the miracle unfolded because I was choosing me fully.
I spent the next three days in Bali helping my body acclimate to the new upgraded version.
Let’s suffice it to say that I purged every part of my body, mind, and spirit.
When my retreat attendees showed up- I was ready.
And then Bali…..
I fell in love with Bali last year and knew it was a second home for my soul.
Bali last year was amazing and yet this year- it was Bali, “upgraded”.
Bali with better weather. Spiritual purification ceremonies with a local shaman leading it. Retreat center with private rooms. Drivers that would take time to explain how rice is harvested. Retreat managers who went on adventures with the group because they loved being with us. Female staff members joining in our final ceremony and experiencing global sisterhood.
Bali with better photos, better prices, better traffic, more expansion, more love, more connection.
And not to compare with last year- which was so incredibly potent, and women that are so important in my life and always will be..
But it was apparent that my internal world had shifted.
And no other option can exist but that my external world shifted to match it.
Upgrades, upgrades, upgrades, getting me closer to my true identity. The one that never changed, never could change, never will change- I just forgot. 
Sitting in deep gratitude for the shifts and the new upgraded world I live in.
Heaven is indeed surrounding me.
And now as I sit here typing as the women have left to go home, I realize that the real work is about to begin.
Alone for the first time, but feeling more connected than I ever have. Surrounded by angels and hearing my internal voice louder and clearer than ever before. 
Excited, and scared, and curious, and relaxed and peaceful all in the same breath.
My untethered love story is about to begin.
The continuation of a beautiful journey back to myself……
My soul is so happy.
And knowing that I have someone rooting for me on the sidelines named Dan- makes my cup overflow with love.
So much gratitude. So much joy. So much love.
Let’s begin…

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