

The Campuhan Ridge Trail to Bliss Feb 13, 2025
I have several love affairs in my life. One is with hiking.
The beautiful rhythm between movement and meditation along with nature and connection all come together in a beautiful elegant dance of oneness.
I have had more spiritual downloads on hikes than perhaps anything else in this lifetime.
 Downloads encouraging me to expand my spiritual understanding. Downloads regarding business, travel ideas, relationships and most of all the relationship within myself.
So today I’m...
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A 92 Year Old Blind and Deaf Woman to the Rescue Feb 13, 2025
It was freakin’ hot today.
January was so radically different than February. It was like the rain shut off and the heater turned on to maximum heat.
Add to that the humidity left from a month of rain and you get hot and sticky and a lot of swass, swoob, and swussy.
I  dive into the pool and float on my back for a while. The water is perfect, and it feels like I’m floating in a cloud. I love moving my arms ever so gently and feeling the little ripples of water move like...
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The Threesome Scooter Ride Feb 13, 2025
Okay I am 100% wrong on Bambu Indah just being a swimming hole.
Wow is all I can say.
And  now I’m off to my 100th or so massages. Because why not when they are like $10.
And let’s also say it’s helping me calm down the waters of not being touched so to speak.
Oh that’s right…. we don’t talk about those things.
You know the thing that every human does while here on this planet?
The thing that we write songs about and learn to wonder why...
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Running around like kids who forgot to take Ritalin Feb 13, 2025
Sitting in another incredibly beautiful setting today in the magical Bambu Indah.
My friend said it was her favorite and not to miss so of course I had to come and check it out.
The textures here in Bali are like crack for my soul. Rock, wood, fabric, colors, and the constant sound of someone sweeping in the distance. Incense floats in the air and the energy of calm and tranquility fills my heart.
It’s  a good thing because I just got off a scoot scoot ride. I jumped on the...
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Surfing the Waves of Emotions Feb 13, 2025
I found the CrossFit of yoga here on Bali.
It was actually recommended for beginners. I wonder what the advanced classes would be. Probably those amazing bodies that can put themselves in inversions and balance on their arms in unnatural positions.
I  didn’t get the memo that there were towels available and so I quickly found my mat being more like a slip and slide than a sticky mat.
But damn I loved it.
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Farting in Yoga Class Feb 07, 2025
I’m walking to a yoga class at Alchemy yoga.
It’s kind of the hipster place here. I actually took my first one that felt a little safe in terms of the judgment zone, but here it goes.
I decided to go the 12:30 class because the first two were meant for advanced students.
I’ve  practiced yoga for years but haven’t been regular for the last two.
Not sure why, probably because I can’t stop serving others before myself if...
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