

The Wish Granted by Merlin Feb 07, 2025
As I left Agus the hipster palm reader’s house, I noticed that I would be a solid hour ahead of time for my reserved table at Merlin’s Magical Ubud… and boy did I hope to get some magic after swallowing the anxiety pill for last two days straight.
I asked my driver to drop me off at my hotel so I could freshen up a bit, and realized if he took me to the restaurant he would be missing a whole evening with his family while he waited for my butt to find magic.
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The Curly Nailed Healer Feb 05, 2025

Bali is such an interesting dichotomy of tradition and superstition and spirituality. 


I freakin’ love it. 


Even the smell…it’s like a warm embrace from the wind saying, I got you. 


Incense everywhere inviting me to feel safe if I want to.


But that damn anxiety seems to want to hang onto for dear life today. 


I am now invited to go into my session with the Balinese Shaman. Ayu takes me up the stairs that are uneven,...

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Anxiety...she's a bitch. Feb 04, 2025



Once again . It’s like an unintended guest that demands attention over and over. 


I think anxiety is a bitch. 


I’d like for her to go away and never come back. 


She comes at random times. Like in the San Francisco airport or during a massage of all places. 


Like what the hay? 


She has robbed me of so many precious moments I my life. 


I wonder what she is actually trying to do. Like what does she...

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Alone for the first time.... Feb 02, 2025
Walking alone for a short time…..
So many people have asked me for an update.
And I have tried multiple times to sit down and write it.
But  where do I even start?
How do I even share a fraction of what has happened in my life- the thousands of lessons, awareness and experiences I have had in the span of only two weeks.
When I looked into the mirror the day I left my home, I said goodbye to the girl in the mirror knowing that she would not be...
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The Wedding Ring & The New Engagement Jan 15, 2025

I took my wedding ring off after 35 years  on December 21, 2024….

I felt so much clarity when I took it off. 

I was hiking through paradise rim, when I clearly heard my inner voice say that I was done. 

I was done with the pain of the past. 

Looking at that ring brought up so much pain when I made the decision to get married.

Four months pregnant at 18, scared, ashamed, and left with few options. 

I took the “right” option. 

And I do not regret...

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The Untethered Love Story Begins... Jan 14, 2025

“Write it for you.”

This is what I keep hearing for the last few weeks. 

I have felt inspired to write for over two months, even pulled an oracle card encouraging me to pour my words out on paper- but I have seen myself get distracted by everything and anything else.

Maybe it is because I don’t know how to write it for myself. 

I’ve never done it. 

Even now, I will most likely post this to my blog to help me preserve this experience for me in all its...

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