

The Wish Granted by Merlin

#expansion #surrender #work Feb 07, 2025
As I left Agus the hipster palm reader’s house, I noticed that I would be a solid hour ahead of time for my reserved table at Merlin’s Magical Ubud… and boy did I hope to get some magic after swallowing the anxiety pill for last two days straight.
I asked my driver to drop me off at my hotel so I could freshen up a bit, and realized if he took me to the restaurant he would be missing a whole evening with his family while he waited for my butt to find magic.
So I decided to  finally get my big girl panties on and jump on the back of a scooter.
Now you may not think this is a big deal, but Bali traffic is well….a thing.
I’ll write in detail about it later but just suffice it to say that you chance life every time you go somewhere.
I order a Gojek and decide as long as ol’ anxiety pants is on me I might as well just go to the next level and elevate into panic.
He comes in less than 30 seconds flat so I don’t have a chance to talk me out of it. I get the five size too large helmet on my head and jump on back pushing the visor down.
Each time we hit a bump, it smacks the driver in the back of the head.
It’s kind of karma in action thing because he keeps taking back alley ways to get me there faster instead of in one piece.
I arrive safely to the restaurant and pat myself on the back for living one more day.
And oh my gosh…and oh my heck.
The Utah girl slang is pouring out of me as I enter this epic journey into sorcery haven.
I enter the restaurant and see a tree twisting up in the middle of the room and adorned with spell books and potions around the room.
My sister has called me Wendy witch doctor for as long as I can remember since I’m always reaching for essential oils or some other home remedy, so I definitely vibe with this place.
I put my hand in the wish maker and get in trouble as I pick up the stone.
Okay I guess I’ll just make a wish.
I wish for anxiety to leave for a while, maybe forever…that’s what I wish.
My friends arrive and we walk up the circular staircase into one of the most beautiful rooms I have ever seen.
A stained glass ceiling, adorned with ferns and plants and exotic greenery everywhere I look. Velvet royal chairs and every detail paid close attention to.
I honestly think Bali is the greatest mix of ancient tradition along with an entire new age theme park that you can never finish discovering.
We sit down and the waiter arrives with an oracle deck of cards.
We each pick three cards, one for an appetizer, one for the main course and one for dessert.
I choose my cards and the waiter lays out the cards in front of me.
My first card is in regards to the past and is called the star card, with a photo of a giant glowing sun. It says that my life could make an epic movie.
Well isn’t that the truth.
My second card is the present and is the Divine connection card. The waiter says it’s about relationships.
Hmmm isn’t that interesting.
The last card is the future and is the prophecy card. It says I will fulfill my destiny in this lifetime.
Wow, i like this card and I start to relax.
These cards will now determine what I eat for the evening. The food will be choosing me tonight instead of me choosing it.
And quite honestly isn’t that how life is? I believe we get to manifest the what and the why, but the how and the when are not our business.
The trick is the relax and trust that it’s on its way, even if we can’t see it.
And often times it is so much better than what we could have come up with our human minds anyways. I honestly love this about life, it’s like Christmas every day.
Pretty soon our food starts arriving and I get some amazing little hot pockets with chicken, and cheese and beef.
Yummy, yum yum.
The main course is well….
Pork belly.
Hmmm I would not have chosen that. But it’s sitting in front of me and I figure what the hay.
It’s crispy and chewy and yummy in a very high fatty way. I think I’m gaining inches and pounds just looking at it.
I eat two out of the five pieces and can’t put another bite into my mouth even if I want to.
Maybe that’s how it’s been with my relationship.
Our soul connection is delicious and but wasn’t what I initially wanted. Dan can attest that we got married out of an energy of doing the right thing since mister Nickster was on his way in five months from our wedding day. If you calculated that correctly I was four months pregnant and only 18 years old.
I remember Nick figuring the math out when he was only around 11 years old and I jokingly said he was the largest preemie ever recorded at 8 pounds 5 ounces. He didn’t buy it.
But maybe that’s what Dan and I are feeling now- the heaviness of the meal aka our marriage and in the manner we created it.
Maybe we can realize that we can stop eating it and
create something better and lighter and even more delightful than well…. Pork belly.
My dessert shows up and it’s a delicious chocolate cake with the lightest and most delectable frosting with just a dab of coconut ice cream on the side.
Oh my orgasmic bite.
It is definitely fulfilling my destiny right on that plate.
Merlin’s meets its magical promise and as I left I realized my wish had been granted.
Anxiety left with the leftover pork belly and never returned.
Thank God….

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